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26 February 2017 Annular Solar Eclipse

On 26 February 2017 is the next solar eclipse which will be visible from the Southern Atlantic Ocean. It starts from the lower southern part of South America and follows a narrow path until it hits Angola in Africa. The peak will reach at 9:54 AM EST.

Light Pollution Map: The beauty of the Milky Way galaxy

The beauty of the Milky Way galaxy above us is a breathtaking sight to behold. Unfortunately, it has become increasingly difficult to see the night sky in its full glory due to the effects of light pollution.

Why Should People Care about Seeing the Milky Way?

If you look out to the night sky, it’s very easy to focus on the planets. It’s easy to get taken in by the beauty of the moon. It’s also fairly easy to be in awe of the natural world.

6 Reasons Why You Should Be Excited About the Milky Way

It’s really easy to think that our galaxy is just something that exists out there. It’s so big and vast; it’s hard to connect to it in any emotional way. Most human beings process reality on an emotional level.